Kunjoo’s first birthday!

-balloons-clipart-2 This is not something I should tell you just today,

this is not something I might be able to tell you every day

But it’s your birthday and I couldn’t be more thankful

I couldn’t be more thankful that you were born

that you lived your life the way you did,

that you’re crazy, that you’re naughty,

that you fight for silly things,

that you’re unbelievably sensitive,

that you eat everything in sight,

that you’re the laziest bum I’ve ever met,

that you say no to almost everything I say,

that you bite your nails and I get to hit, punch and kick you,

that though you’re always busy, you still make time for me!

that you’re my baby, temper tantrums and all,

that you love with all our heart,

that you’ve stolen mine and absolutely refuse to give it back! So rude! :@ (Naww, I’m kiddin! You keep it sweetie!)


I’m not sure what lead us to each other,

but I’m thankful for each and every thing that did

because I’ve gone past the point where I can’t live without you to where it seems so ridiculous that it took us so long to meet!

This is not something I want to tell you just today

This is not something I might tell you every day (Your ego is big enough as it is!)

but know this sweetheart,

there’s not a minute of the day that I don’t think about you

even if it is to worry about you, or recounting your silliness and laughing,

or looking at your picture and thinking how adorable you are ( and also equal parts annoying! Grr..)

or plotting how to murder you

aaaaaaaand then how to resurrect you, cause hey, you’re stuck with me babe! BUWAHAHAHHA!


I love you,  you know!

More today than I did yesterday and less than I will tomorrow,

no matter where you are or what you do, or if God forbid, we lose touch..Teddy Bear with balloons

I’ll still keep you safe in my heart and love you till you come back to me!

And then I’ll fight with you for leaving me and then I’ll love you more because there’s nothing else I can do once you smile that goofy smile at me!

Yeap, that one right there! 😀


Soooo.. Happy burpday dummy! This is your first birthday with me..

It’s only going to get better! :*