Musings of a lonely heart

284201xcitefun-girl-vintage-sad-lonely-pensive-heart-fiI’ve said this before, and I’ll say this again – I’m not a sappy romantic. I’m a practical, take-no-bullshit kind of person. But I’m also a girl, and I’ve grown up watching SRK romance Kajol from Zurich to Punjab. So, I have my weak days! This is one of those days.

The ultimate relationship between 2 people is love, right? Yes, but it might not be the way you think it is! You can love someone more than the other and that does not mean this person has to be your lover. Just like there is that one person who makes your heart flutter at a mere thought, there are also people that give you the ‘mother-hen’ instinct, or maybe some people you absolutely just can’t keep a secret from.  Most people don’t realize this and that bothers me, a lot!

That being said, I’ve seen a lot of couples “in love” who lack romance in their relationship. I’m probably the last person to give relationship advice, seeing as I’ve never been in one, but if there is no romance in your relationship, then you’re doing the whole thing wrong! There has to be a little flirting, a little fighting, a little PDA- no, scratch that, you need a LOT of those, just as much as love.

8fafe0d45bab57bea563bd99cfe94e60I want all of that, you know? The dreaming, the teasing, the flirting, the hand holding, the bickering, the pouts, the tears, the possessiveness, the pain of staying apart, the yeeeeeeeeeeeeearning; everything! I long for the moment when the one I love holds me from behind and kisses my shoulder, the peaceful silence when you can just be within each other’s presence, head on the heart, lips on the forehead.. it’s the little things, I’m telling you! It’s always the little things that we remember most.

Romancing makes more sense to me because it is the present. Whenever you’re with the one you love, you live your life at that moment completely; trying your best to keep every word, every look, every second etched in your memory! That’s how I would like to live my life.

What point is it to keep your love saved for another day? What makes you think that you might even live another day? Why not give it  your all when you have the opportunity? For me, that is what romance entails and I love every possible explanation for it.

Every minute I spend single is building the passion that is just waiting to unleash. My guy better be ready to take all of it, because when he finally do get here, I’m going to love the crap out of him! 😀
